Constructor Function  in JavaScript

Constructor Function in JavaScript

What is Constructor?

Constructor in JavaScript is a special kind of function that is used to create and instantiate multiple objects of the same kind.

Why do we need Constructor?

In JavaScript, a single object can be created using the object literal { }

const student1 = {
    name : "Bobby"
    id : 18

If we want to create multiple objects of the same type as of student1 object, then we would have to create objects using object literal { } again and again:

const student2 = {
    name : "Deadpool"
    id : 19
const student3 = {
    name : "John Wick"
    id : 20

This would create a lot of code repetition for a large number of objects, hence to create multiple objects of a similar kind we use constructors.

Ways to create a constructor

  1. Using the Constructor Function

  2. Using Constructor Method (ES6+ way)

In this blog, we will discuss the first method only.

Constructor Function

A constructor function is created in the same way as a regular function.

The first letter of its name should be capitalized.

To call a constructor, we use new keyword.

Constructors do not have return statements as they implicitly return this.

this inside the constructor function points to the object that is created from that constructor.

// Creating constructor
function Character(name, power){ = name;
    this.powers = power

// Calling the constructor using new keyword
let deadpool = new Character('Deadpool', 'accelerated healing factor')
let batman = new Character('Batman', ' Intellect, Fighting skills & Wealth')

// { name: 'Deadpool', powers: 'accelerated healing factor' }
// { name: 'Batman', powers: 'Intellect, Fighting skills & Wealth' }

What Happens When a Constructor is Called?

When we use the new keyword the followings things happen:

  1. An empty object is created

  2. this is set to the newly created object

  3. The constructor is called

  4. Inside the constructor, the given properties and values are attached to the newly created object by using this.arg = arg

  5. Then the constructor returns this which means the object is returned since this is currently set to the newly created object.

Returning from constructors

Usually, constructors do not have return statements as they implicitly return this. But if there exists a return statement then two rules are followed:

  1. If an object is returned explicitly then that object will be returned and this will be ignored.
function Student(name,id){ = name
    //returning an object 
    return {name : "Deadpool"}

const student1 = new Student("Bobby")
console.log( // Deadpool
  1. If a primitive is returned explicitly then it will be ignored and this will be returned as usual.
function Student(name,id){ = name
    //returning primitive 
    return 42

const student1 = new Student("Bobby")
console.log( // Bobby

Calling a Function Constructor without the New Keyword

Calling a constructor without new is possible but this will point to the global object and gives an error when we try to access the object.

function Character(name){ = name;

const deadpool = Character('Deadpool');
// TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

As we have learned, the new keyword creates a new object and sets this to that object, since we are not using new keyword here this value will point to the global object. Hence when we try to access the properties of the object we will get the error.

To prevent the constructor from being called without new keyword was introduced in ES6.

  1. If a constructor is called with new keyword then will return a reference to the constructor function.

  2. If it is called without new keyword it will return undefined.

This is useful because we can modify our code to either:

  1. Force the users to use the new keyword by throwing an error.

  2. We can create the object with new.

Example of scenario 1:

function Student(name) {
    if (! {
        throw Error("Use the new keyword to call constructor");
    } = name

const student1 = Student("Bobby")
// Error: Use the new keyword to call constructor

Example of scenario 2:

function Student(name) {
    if (! {
        return new Student(name)
    } = name

let student1 = Student("Bobby")
console.log(; // Bobby

Adding Methods to Constructor Functions

Methods can be added to Javascript constructor functions similar to how we have added other properties by using this keyword.

function Character(name, universeName){ = name;
    this.universeName = universeName;
    this.universe = function(){
        return(`${name} is from ${universeName}`)

// Calling the constructor using new keyword
let deadpool = new Character('Deadpool', 'Marvel')
let batman = new Character('Batman', 'DC')

// Deadpool is from Marvel
// Batman is from DC

Cons of adding methods directly to the Constructor Function

There exists an issue when we directly add methods to constructors using this.

Each time we create a new Character object we also create a this.universe() method, it is getting duplicated every time.

To handle this we add methods to the constructor function by using prototypes.

A prototype is an object present in every JavaScript object by default. By using the prototype property, it will add methods to the prototype object instead of creating the method every time.

Adding Methods Using prototype

// Creating constructor
function Character(name, universeName){ = name;
    this.universeName = universeName;

// Adding method into constructor using prototype
Character.prototype.universe = function(){
    return(`${} is from ${this.universeName}`)

// Calling the constructor using new keyword
let deadpool = new Character('Deadpool', 'Marvel')
let batman = new Character('Batman', 'DC')

// Deadpool is from Marvel
// Batman is from DC

JavaScript Built-in Constructors

Javascript also provides some built-in Constructors. Such as:

  • Object - Creates new Object object

  • Array - Creates new Array object

  • String - Creates new String object

  • Number - Creates new Number object etc.


let str = new String("Bobby");   // A new String object
let num = new Number(18);   // A new Number object
let obj = new Object();   // A new Object object
let arr = new Array("Dope","Blogs");    // A new Array object

Final Words

And that’s it for this blog.

I hope you’ve found this blog a good referencing resource and thank you for reading.

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